Midwest Community Fraud Center
Learn how to avoid the latest scams, keep your accounts safe, and get help from Midwest Community FCU.

Is it a scam?
Contact us first before you give away personal information or money – we’ll help you figure out if it’s a scam.
Watch out for these recent scams
To protect yourself, it’s important to be familiar with trending scams.
Did Midwest Community reach out to you?
Scammers may be impersonating Midwest Community. Here’s how to verify if it was MCFCU contacting you.
Keep Your Personal Information Private
We’ll never call, text or email you unexpectedly and ask for your:
- online banking password
- card PIN
- card’s 3-digit security code
- online banking verification codes
Know the red flags
Fraudsters can tap into your emotions or try to catch you off guard.
Here are 5 red flags to watch out for based on MCFCU’s fraud monitoring.
If you answer “yes” to any of these, you may be the target of a scam. Don’t click on any links or share any information with the person contacting you.
If you’ve lost money to a scam, contact us as soon as possible to see if we can place protection on your account and try to recover funds.
1. Were you asked to hide information from or lie to MCFCU or your other financial institution(s)?
2. Were you asked for your login credentials to Online Banking or another account?
3. Were you contacted by someone out of the blue and pressured to wire them money?
4. Does this transaction involve a foreign country, territory, or state where you don’t have contacts or connections?
5. Were you “overpaid” or “over reimbursed” for something and are now being asked to send the “extra” money back?
How to report fraud to Midwest Community
We’ll be with you on every step of your financial journey, including when you’re a victim of fraud. Contact us immediately if you suspect fraud on your account(s), or if you responded to a suspicious email, text message or phone call.
Frequently asked questions about fraud
How can I stay cyber safe?
Cybercrimes are surging with scammers trying to take control of your identity and money online or through mobile. Read more about staying cyber safe here.
Additionally, one of the best ways to stay cyber safe is to keep your devices (computer, tablet, and phone) and software updated. Updates frequently add security enhancements and protect from vulnerabilities.
How do I know if a text message is a scam?
As text messaging becomes more prevalent around the world, text message scams are also becoming more common. Read more about text message, or “smishing,” scams here.
How can I avoid identity theft?
These days it’s getting harder & harder to avoid identity theft, but this short video gives you some tips to safeguard yourself from fraud and identity theft.
What are the top internet scams?
With people using the internet to pretty much do everything, online scams are on the rise. Read more about the top internet scams here.
What scams are targeting elders?
In 2021, over 92,000 victims over the age of 60 reported losses of $1.7 billion to the IC3. This represents a 74 percent increase in losses over losses reported in 2020. The top scams targeting elders are government impersonation scams, sweepstakes and lottery scams, robocalls and phone scams, computer tech support scams, and grandparent scams. Read more about how to protect seniors from financial exploitation here.

Is it a scam?
We’re here to help you figure out if it’s a scam before you give out any personal information or transfer money. Call us at 419.783.6500 to talk with a member service representative, or schedule an appointment with an account specialist.