Bookmark this page to stay current with the most up-to-date information on how Midwest Community is responding to the COVID-19 outbreak, and what we can do to help.

Protecting Members and Employees During the COVID-19 Outbreak
Midwest Community FCU continues our commitment to serving members without interruption throughout the COVID-19 outbreak. However, as the impact of the Coronavirus crisis continues to evolve, keeping our employees, members and communities safe is our top priority.
We are closely monitoring the guidance of the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and taking precautions to help ensure the health and safety of our members and our staff while delivering the best member service experience possible in these extraordinary circumstances.
Update on Coronavirus (COVID-19)
We continue to monitor the latest news about the Coronavirus. The health and well-being of our staff and members remains our top priority, so going forward you may notice a few changes in the way we conduct business.
For the safety of our staff and guests:
- DO NOT ENTER if you have SYMPTOMS of or EXPOSURE to COVID-19!
- For your security, all members will be asked for ID before performing transactions, because of the use of masks making it difficult to recognize you.
- Each of our offices has a sign posted on the door. Please take a moment to read this safety information before entering.
- Every branch is limited to a certain number of guests that may be in the building at the same time. We have spaced floor markers 6 ft apart. If no floor markers are available, please remain outside the building until one is available.
- Public restrooms are closed.
All of our lobbies have returned to regular operations. We’ve recently made adjustments to our lobbies. However:
- We recommend making an appointment if you need to meet with someone in person to avoid congestion in the lobby;
- Or give us a call at 419-783-6500. We are able to assist you with most transactions via phone, limiting the need for you to come to a branch.
We encourage you to continue using these self-service options that give you around-the-clock access to your account(s):
During this time of uncertainty, we are prepared to continue serving you. Midwest Community FCU recognizes that some of our members may be facing hardship and we are here to help in any way we can. If you are having a tough time making existing loan payments due to this outbreak, please contact us at 419-783-6500. We will work with you to come up with a plan.

Other Resources
- U.S. Government Response
- Frequently Asked Questions – Ohio Dept. of Health
- How You Can Respond – Ohio Dept. of Health
- CDC Guidelines
- Deposits Are Safe In Federally Insured Credit Unions
- Resources for Unemployed Workers
If you have specific questions about your accounts, please give us a call at 419-783-6500.