America Saves Week 2024: Saving At Any Age

Talking about money has been considered taboo for too long, but this mindset could be doing us a disservice. After all, it’s not what you say but how you say it.

You’ve gained valuable insights this week, and the next step is to share those learnings and check-in with your loved ones.

On the fifth and final day of America Saves Week, we encourage you to:

  • Talk to family members, whether it be your own kids to older generations, about your money story and goals, including retirement plans, the importance of saving, and responsibly using credit
  • If you haven’t, open up a savings account that correlates with what matters most to you right now

Need additional support?

We hope that this week has been insightful, and you’ve been able to pause to do a financial check-in, allowing you to get clear on where your finances are, where you want them to be, and what small steps you can take now to put you on that path. If you’re ready to continue your journey, we encourage you to identify your money story with America Saves for encouragement, accountability, and support along the way!

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