If you’ve done research to try to lower your monthly student loan payments, you’ve undoubtedly come across the option to refinance them. It may sound like a complicated process, but don’t be intimidated; it’s much simpler than you might think and can potentially save you a significant amount of money in the long run. What is a Student Loan Refinance? Essentially, refinancing is when a borrower takes out a new loan with different terms. The new lender (such as a…
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If you’ve been to a store lately, you know the cost of everything has increased. This is due to inflation, which is the rate of increase in prices over a given period. Inflation occurs when the supply of money grows too large relative to the size of an economy. When this happens, the unit value of the currency diminishes, and the purchasing power falls, thus increasing prices. There are many ways you can save money during times of inflation. Instead…
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The holiday season is usually full of good food, good company, and good cheer. But sometimes the holidays can take an unintended toll — physically, mentally, AND on your wallet. Here are a few tips to enjoy a happy & healthy holiday season. 1) Be smart with gifting Create a budget and stick to it. Remember that the thought behind the gift means more than the cost. 2) Maintain a reasonable schedule Limit holiday stress by not overbooking yourself. 3)…
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You don’t have to sacrifice nutrition or flavor to save money on food. Use these tips to help plan and prepare low-cost, healthy meals and snacks. PREPARE Plan your weekly meals ahead of time, including lunches. Take advantage of store specials. Check store flyers or mobile apps as you plan your menu for the week. You can “clip” digital coupons in the apps. Create a shopping list based on your menu plan, and stick to it. Take advantage of your…
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5 Tips to Save Money Wedding Planning in 2022
Life Goals Spending/Saving
If you are planning a wedding this year, it could be challenging. With high demand coming from a global pandemic, brides have limited options for everything from wedding dates to food to venues; it’s a true “wedding boom,” according to Brides.com. After more than a year of postponed and called-off weddings, the industry has seen an influx of weddings coming back as the world opens up again. As a result, the demand for every aspect of the industry is higher…
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What to Do With Your Stimulus Check
Money Management Spending/Saving
The CARES Act (Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security) provides needed assistance to businesses, expansions to unemployment insurance, and direct relief checks to many Americans. If you qualify for a stimulus check, you may be wondering what to do with the money—or what the wisest thing to do might be. Here are a few things to consider. Fill in Financial Gaps Many Americans have found themselves struggling financially due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Those who have had their hours cut…
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With so many options, purchasing a new car can feel a bit overwhelming. What kind of car do you want or need? Which cars work with your budget? How can you find the best deals? Follow the tips below from Kelley Blue Book for an ultra-smooth car-buying process and reach out to your local credit union for additional assistance: Know your shopping style – When you shop for a car, do you focus on value, method, or safety? Evaluate what’s…
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There are a number of financial management tools and resources available to help make the goal of improving finances an achievable undertaking, whether viewed as a New Year’s resolution or a consistent, long-term objective. If you’ve resolved to improve your finances in the new year, consider these money management and resolution tips from U.S. News & World Report. 10 Tips to Improve Your Finances in the New Year Identify your financial goals – Whether you’re planning to buy a home,…
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